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The QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program

a student comforting another studentTo help our community recognize warning signs for suicide and assist others in need, CAPS has chosen the QPR (Question-Persuade-Refer) Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program, a community-focused, nationally-recognized, empirically-based suicide prevention program, to educate our community about suicide and the resources available for those needing professional help.

Any person on our campus (i.e., student, staff, or faculty) who is in a position to notice that another individual is distressed and needs help is a “gatekeeper.”

QPR is intended to teach individuals how to recognize the warning signs of suicide, and provides guidelines on how to:

Question a person about potential suicidal thoughts,

Persuade them to seek help, and

Refer them to appropriate professional services.


If you are interested in . If you are interested in QPR training for a group of 10 or more individuals, please submit an outreach request.

Learn more about QPR from the .

Learn how to recognize the warning signs of suicide and how to respond to distressed comments, videos, or links posted by your friend on Facebook. Help a Friend in Need, Community Guide to Facebook (PDF).